Monday, April 6, 2009

Ubiquitous understanding

It's very rare to say that you understand something completely. Today I saw some things that made a penny drop. Hard to describe, easy to experience.

Today I Understood.


Ann K said...

Oh you of the cryptic message!!!!!
If you want to talk, phone home collect ( make it after 7:30pm tonight or tomorrow) Unless of course it's something you can't talk to me about - you can always talk to your brother or sister)
Hope there's no earthquakes in Egypt - Italy has been affected badly
(no double entendres intended lol)
xxx Mum

Anonymous said...

Or if it's something that's really fucked up, and you don't want to ruin your family's fragile minds, then you can talk to me about it!

I'll give you 10 points if it is somehow related to 1guy1cup, 5 points for 2girls1cup, and an indeterminate amount of points if it has anything to do with a lemon party, goatse, tubgirl or similar.

Sam said...

I think I would make the world's worst cryptographer then. All it was was seeing some stuff in Cairo that was pretty cool. I also helped a swiss guy drink an 800mL bottle of egyptian booze, so that might have helped things haha.

I can lie if you want though...

Um... Uriah, I got the autograph of the 2 girls AND the cup, then we went to a lemonparty. It was not fun.

Mum... hmm... I killed a man in the street today and threw his body in the Nile. I think I'll talk to Chris about it.